I’m a…


Start strong, end strong. Feel energized and supported every week. Reduce your stress, feel happier at school, and achieve the results you want.

College & University Students – Signature Program

  • Full semester of support, $3000+HST CAD
  • Weekly 50-minute sessions throughout semester
  • Guaranteed recurring weekly time slot
  • Written summary of each session to keep track of goals, action items, and progress
  • Access to E-Course: “10 Things I Learned at Harvard”
  • Sessions are held virtually so we can work together no matter where you live


Self-regulation skills, such as time management, planning and organization,
are strongly linked to academic performance, as well as overall well-being.

Why do university and college students need “self-regulation skills”?

  • Students need to balance and prioritize many tasks such as learning new information in class, preparing for papers and exams, and managing their social life. This requires sophisticated time management skills, typically beyond the demands of high school.
  • Students also need to “self-monitor” – meaning, make accurate judgments of what they do and do not know in preparation for exams. There is a common tendency to be overconfident in preparing for tests, making inaccurate self-estimations of knowledge. Students who learn to engage in monitoring and reflection (i.e. metacognition), and use repair strategies as needed, are set up for school success.

Ok, but can’t i just get free help at school?

  • Many students have found that when they meet with a school counselor seeking help with organization they leave with handouts that include tips and strategies they can try. However, the counselor does not implement the new strategies with them – resulting in a service gap. Students benefit from individualized support to implement self-regulation strategies, as these are complex skills to be learned, not information to be acquired.

Why Now?

  • The demands of high school are markedly less rigorous than the demands of university. Not only are students trying to adapt to these higher demands, but they simultaneously are trying to adapt to having significantly more independence.
  • Research on development suggests that late adolescence, the age when most students begin post-secondary education, is precisely when students are most rapidly developing the area of the brain associated with self-regulatory functions.
  • The earlier an intervention occurs during a student’s post-secondary career, the greater the effects can be on their overall university experience.

Why one-on-one coaching?

  • Best practice in teaching a complex skill (such as self-regulation) is to take an individualized approach. This is why we pay for private music lessons. Working with students one-on-one allows for differentiation of instruction to ensure the student’s unique needs are being understood and met, and also provides the opportunity for direct and immediate feedback.
  • Also, a one-on-one approach promotes the development of a relationship. Research suggests that a strong relationship with someone you are accountable to, and who will encourage you when you are feeling defeated, is a key factor leading to success when learning complex new skills.
  • The one-on-one experience is more likely to feel relevant and engaging to the student because it will be personalized to their needs, as compared to what they would experience if they attended a larger group presentation covering similar content.

Why do I need to work with you for a whole semester?

  •  I believe students need multiple opportunities to practice new skills in order to internalize them. Many researchers argue in favor of this instructional approach, as teaching a skill is an ongoing exercise and students must have frequent opportunities to practice while receiving immediate feedback.
  • With multiple sessions, scaffolding is possible – meaning I can gradually reduce my involvement and shift ownership of new skills to the student. The student can experience an increase in their feelings of competence and confidence in using the skills independently moving forward. I aim to act as a bridge between the high-level of support most students receive in high school, and the complete independence of adulthood.

Are you sure it will work if the sessions are virtual (i.e. skype, zoom, etc.) vs. in-person?

  • Working virtually allows me to see the student in their working environment. Seeing their space when designing the intervention allows me to make tailored recommendations that could easily be missed if we met somewhere else, and also facilitates experiential learning. For example, instead of talking about filling out a wall calendar, the student can actually do this during a virtual session and we can meaningfully discuss where in their room it should go for maximum effectiveness.

What is Coaching Not?

  • It isn’t tutoring or paper editing. It’s about developing habits, systems and skills that will support your overall school experience.


10 Things I Learned at Harvard: ‘Straight A’ Secrets from a Non-Genius

Learn exactly what Kailea did – the uncommon systems that led to straight A’s, full scholarships, and NO all-nighters.


It can be a struggle to enjoy the unstructured creative time we need, without feeling guilty or unproductive. I can help you with daily plans that feel flexible, spacious and inspiring. If you have long lists of ideas and goals, together we can create clarity, simplify your existing priorities, and move forward on your dream projects.

1:1 Coaching Package

  • 12 session package: $3000+HST CAD
  • Sessions are held virtually so we can work together no matter where you live
  • Weekly 50-minute sessions
  • Guaranteed recurring weekly time slot
  • Written summary of each session to keep track of goals, action items, and progress


We often have such long to-do lists that it’s easier to focus on what we haven’t done vs. what we have achieved. This makes it hard to relax and unwind even once we are off the clock. I work with professionals who feel scattered, overwhelmed, and in a constant reactive state of putting out fires. Through 1:1 coaching, small group trainings and presentations, I can help you and/or your team develop skills that will reduce your stress, increase your impact, and help you feel a deeper sense of purpose overall.

1:1 Coaching

  • 12 session package: $3000+HST CAD
  • Sessions are held virtually so we can work together no matter where you live
  • Weekly 50-minute sessions
  • Guaranteed recurring weekly time slot
  • Written summary of each session to keep track of goals, action items, and progress


Speaking and Workshops

Customized presentations, workshops, and small group trainings are available upon request. Past topics have included time management strategies, proactive planning, mental decluttering, and the brain science behind procrastination, motivation and habit formation. Rate typically ranges from $1500-$2500+HST CAD depending on length, group size and level of customization.

Gain control. Find ease. Breathe a sigh of relief.